actually bought FRESH VEGES from safeway today, tee hee!
oh, 2 days of walking to safeway (it's pretty far, btw) has been my sad, SAD form of exercise. but hey, at least i walked ey? :D
omg. i can only imagine, 50 years from now...Story of My Life starring joanie as FATSO living on her bed. god forbid!!! janice, when that time comes, save me please. hahahaha. if the situation arises, i give you ALL PERMISSION to do whatever you want to whip me into shape!! (so means that u can't ever, EVER be fatso too, not that u'd ever anyways :p) yeah, u can so totally starve me until i walk to the kitchen or perform unorthodox diets/rituals u pick up from the internet. lols, ok depending on the seriousness of the situation...
anyhoo, bought totally yummers fresh spinach and rocket and beetroot (in packet of course) from the supermarket. woo hoo! so now i won't die from malnutrition. lols. PLUS bought this burgen (the bread super endorsed by the biggest loser fanclub or, actually the show really endorses it. LOL) soy&linseed? rye? bread. not sure what i bought anymore. but the point is, it's SUPAH healthy ANNNDDDD it tastes great! woo hoos :)
but one thing really strange about me, i totally enjoy healthy food. like, seriously. i'd always think they taste amazing anyways. then people tell me they suck. hahaha. e.g. weetbix (omg, love it) janice would go EEWWW. i'd say yummers! :p uhm, okay i think any1 woud love grainy bread...oh, i LOVE oats. like, really really love oats. well, till i fish up anymore healthy stuff from the banks of my very very murky memories, will tell all :D
p.p.s. what a long p.s. -_-"
p.p.p.s. wasn't meant to be that way. LOL. courtesy of scattermeabrainsymdrome ;)
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