Wednesday, July 2, 2008

my best friend.

yo wassup! my name is joan na and i suck.

hello. i'm joan na's best friend. sorry janice and han khee and whoever. but you see, joan na allows me to blog and not you guys. so, i am definitely joan's one and only best friend. =)

i'm dead bored. now i understand why people wants to blog. joan is dead bored too. thats why we are best friends. hmmm.. its so hard to blog. i think i'm gonna dedicate this post to my best friend, joan then.

joan wants to eat/watch 2 and a half men. she knows i am dead serious about blogging. she cant wait to eat. oh and joan na is constipated. shit my england damn bad.

anywayssss, i misss kuching. endofstory

-joan's best friend, zhieniscool.

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