Mind's completely taken over by DEXTAH for the moment. haha. just a mini-marathon tonight tho :) no 10 hour stunts like last time. took a 2-day sabbatical before. heee. is that even a sabbatical? LOL.
so, key thing in dexxtah would be: facades. yeahp, that's wad it's all about. knowing and coming to terms with your true self, stuff like that. who knew there was so much to learn from a serial killer? heh.
well, i'm sure everyone puts up a mask, at least once in their lives. maybe? or are there really people who could be as transparent as every1 would like to be? i'm sure I do! tee. be transparent, i mean. haha. workin' at it :p
i guess i tend to hide stuff a little too much. "selective sharing". lols. not that i don't trust people; i think i trust too much. but i've realized that i've never really shared much with any1. even with my closestS :) and i think it's time that i actually start opening up a liiiiiiiiittle bit more. heee. i don't know why...just felt the need to say things. lols! more than i used to, of course. guess 17 years of talking crap is really catching up on me. time for more meaningful conversations, people!
hey, i'm a deep person, alright??? hahaha. yeah, i ammm. like, totalleh. deep stuff goin' on in my mind. open your eyes, and you shall see. open your ears, and you shall listen. open your heart, and you shall feel :) okay, i admit that was random. but felt like saying it ;)
p.s. what a weird post. LOL. am posting it ANYWAYS. :O
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