Sunday, January 10, 2010


yes, i need help.

i need LOADS of help.

charging ahead despite:
1. my lack of discipline...which contributes to (ok it probably is the sole cause of : )
2. my lack of confidence in my studies and whatever else i'm doing...which happens to be the piano exam i feel i have an extreeeemely high probability of failing.

but surprisingly, people do not seem to think so. surprising, because i seriously am no good :S
hence, O DIVINE POWER. make it so that i create and integrate and FULFILL the very belated new year's resolution that is to use my time wisely. -_-"

i think i'm doing the right thing, at least. there's no other time like the present, they say. i don't think i'd ever get around to completing this 2-year goal if i don't take the initiative to enrol. hrrrmmm.

so, right now, i'm doing research for my programme notes. and wowww reading all these stuff about the pieces really kinda brings them composers to life! i mean, it's easy to play the songs and feel what u feel, often forgetting that there was a living human being behind these songs...and how real events led to their amazing creations! somehow (cause usually i think it gila cheesy)  i find the fact that beethoven wrote his "moonlight sonata" for his, i dno, love of his life is so frikkin sweet. so romantic-ky. that his love is printed on a page everywhere in the world!! plus the song is so beautiful. :):):):)

life as of now is piano-filled and not much else besides bumming and hanging out :p

and worrying if i can pull it all of nxt yr.

thomas the choo choo train shall be my inspiration. :D

p/s being bitten to death by bloody mosquitoes!
will turn into blotchy bulbous human if they don't just drop off and die!!!

p/p/s stupid sausages bit holes into my favourite dress. -_-"

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