Saturday, September 20, 2008


JOSHY is a tagger,
and a tagger he shall be!!

altho its my first tag and im pretty flattered. HAHAHAHA. ok here goes :)

...aiyah rules first lah. -__-"

RULE: Tag victim has to come up with 8 different points about perfect lover, tag 8 other victims (WHY are we victims? cos its time-consuming issit? ok lah i agree we are victims) and leave a comment on their blog blah blah blah ok HAVE FUN!!

Gender of perfect lover: MALE

8 points:

1. he must NOT be

prettier than me/ girlier than me/ famous (yalah yalah i noe im not keng enough to get famous dude)

2. he must NOT be

mr. stinkie dinkies!! confirm must be hygienic without a SINGLE flake of dandruff. and not oily. and stuff.

yeah, he cannot be the 'something smelly'


3. he MUST be
yeah, i totally dig vampirey/robinson-crusoe-ish dudes. sooo HAAWWWWT.

no lah. couldn't find a good pic of a GENTLEMAN :) mr. gentleman :)

4. he canNOT make me feel like this:

yeah, he must entertain me ALWAYS. and crack me up and make me laugh till i wanna burst... foreverandeverandeverandeverandever (sorry too much pressure want to die) but too bad. he's perfect he wouldn't complain.

he should be totally sensitive/ loving/ compassionate/ devotes himself fully to me and ONLY me/ loyal/ constantly tells me how much he loves my not-so-beautiful-eyes-but-he'd-think-they-are-anyways-because-he-is-perfect/ cry at the sight of the rising sun (yada yada yada i'll shuddup now. sorry i'm totally les. can't help it)

no pic either too much crap.

6. he MUSTMUSTMUSTMUST love my family and friends as much as i do!!

* pics withheld to protect identity of beloveds*

7. he MUST love

THE LION KING. lols. animals lah, in general :) must be animal-lover. confirm.

8. he also MUST love

music!!! must play too (any instrument lah) must not laugh at my lack of skills, must love the bands i love, must not call my taste in music 'weird' or 'emo' or *makes face: ewww*

must know how to serenade me oso lah (romantic romantic bah)..although he is BOTH the girl AND the guy in the pic :p and i'm....listening....somewhere.

ok i will cheat...i shall put criteria nombor sembilan :D (i'm sure it relates to millions and millions of gals out there)






NO. DOTA!! period. no such thing as, it's alright as long as he does not totally ignore me. NUH UHHHH. no no no no no. noooooo dotaaaaaaaa. (i hate dota) haha.

ok thats all :)

BIG HINT TO GUYS OUT THERE: do not play dota. chances are your gf hates it too :p

oh, i tag anyone in the world lah -_-" as long as u boh shu cho feel like doing some taggy stuff, go ahead:


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