Saturday, October 8, 2011

Dear Blog

I've really been neglecting this space, haven't I?

Well that's all I have to say :)

I prefer putting pen to paper much much more right now. I're gonna have to steal my "diary" to know what's going on in my pea brain these days. 

I realize I write with as much censorship in my book as I do here. Maybe I do delve into a little bit of detail here and there. Perhaps I like to keep things light and least then it wouldn't evoke too much emotion/ trigger too many memories of things I feel I don't have to waste my brain space remembering. Well, clearly, happy thoughts deserve a lot more pages, and that really has been the case. God, I'm so gay. Maybe there's absolutely nothing wrong with that :)

From the sound of things, it's obvious I've had a good Friday. Somehow. 

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