Sunday, January 16, 2011


Yup, that's what I got for diploma. 


Which, thankfully, doesn't reflect the amount of effort I'd put in.

So. Now I really do believe in the principle of "giving it your best shot".

I'm not exactly disappointed...I'd seen it coming.
Not exactly unhappy...I actually agree with the examiners' comments. 
Not exactly regretful...I'm glad I even bothered trying.

But I definitely, definitely feel like I'd let my parents down.

My first (kind of) major fail in my life and, well, I'm quite surprised at my nonchalance. 

Given the circumstances during the taking of the exam, I'd say I did pretty okay. It was either fail in that or physio anyways. Something had to give.

I'm glad it was this...

because, well, let's face it.
I'm no superwoman.

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