Sunday, January 30, 2011


it's deja vu;

at least now...
i know exactly what needs to be done.

my atrial-ventricular-spaced, life-giving organ is picket-fenced.

so beware, thieves,

lest you impale yourselves on my iron wrought spears.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


will. you. just. save. me. all. this. trouble?!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


An intense 3 hours at the piano serves to be the best form of distraction I'd found.

There's nothing like obsessively playing the same 4 pages until your fingers ache so much from those chordal stretches courtesy of Brahms.

There's nothing like the way music seems to when individual scores are put together.

There's nothing like knowing you bring colour to a sheet of black and white.

There's nothing like the genius of a composer to bring forth so much emotion.

An intense 3 hours at the piano can push any thought, any doubt, any confusion into little pockets in the corners of your mind; safely guarded, safely barricaded from the ring and ding of what you're playing with your eyes and your mind and your hands.

It's the best form of distraction...

And I'm glad I have it.

The one thing that is really, truly, only, mine.

So mark my words.
You don't stand a chance. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


It is of my utmost desire

to give you a taste of your own medicine.


You're so obtuse I hope you know it.

You're an ass and I hope you know it too.

Well if you didn't know...

now you know.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Yup, that's what I got for diploma. 


Which, thankfully, doesn't reflect the amount of effort I'd put in.

So. Now I really do believe in the principle of "giving it your best shot".

I'm not exactly disappointed...I'd seen it coming.
Not exactly unhappy...I actually agree with the examiners' comments. 
Not exactly regretful...I'm glad I even bothered trying.

But I definitely, definitely feel like I'd let my parents down.

My first (kind of) major fail in my life and, well, I'm quite surprised at my nonchalance. 

Given the circumstances during the taking of the exam, I'd say I did pretty okay. It was either fail in that or physio anyways. Something had to give.

I'm glad it was this...

because, well, let's face it.
I'm no superwoman.

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Female Complex

It's insane that every time any female goes crazy bezerk over the mildest of issues, the most innocuous of confrontations, it's almost always due to a well-hidden, secondary cause that's been harbouring masses of anger/guilt/sadness over a period of time.

And the key word here is well-hidden.

How in the world do we females expect guys to be so perceptive?

(I say "we" because, as much as i hate to admit, i do fall prey to this stereotype)

Then we explode over an issue as stupid as choice in plates and expect the source of the problem to magically come to the realization that it really is his...i don't know, lack of appreciation for her (what the freak?) that's causing all this fuss about plates. And when he doesn't, a number of things ensue:

1. the silent treatment (and the poor guy has no clue what is going on)
2. endless bitching
3. making korean dramas in her head, WHICH, due to dramatization, further blows the issue out of proportion.

Men may be thick, but this probably ranks as the stupidest expectation of them i have ever seen.


Saturday, January 1, 2011


That's all it takes.

I'm not here to do your bidding.