Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Clarity makes a difference for a mind that's in shambles

Whatever happened to the mythical, created-to-scare-little-kiddies being of pure evil?


Yet, time and time again, I see its devilish schemes working within.

A constant spiral that goes out of control unless you realize what's going on and you snap out of it. Tell it to yourself, whatever's just happened. Tell it to the one person it's truly afraid of. To stop feeling sorry for yourself, it's the most effective way of it getting to you. Stop blaming others for their mistakes; holding grudges, it's its way of making you hate. Stop, stop, stop.

Well, this mythical creature is definitely real enough to me.

And it's scary.

Cause when something you've always thought was imaginary turns out to be real, anything goes.

How i wish it could never touch me.

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