Wednesday, January 26, 2011


An intense 3 hours at the piano serves to be the best form of distraction I'd found.

There's nothing like obsessively playing the same 4 pages until your fingers ache so much from those chordal stretches courtesy of Brahms.

There's nothing like the way music seems to when individual scores are put together.

There's nothing like knowing you bring colour to a sheet of black and white.

There's nothing like the genius of a composer to bring forth so much emotion.

An intense 3 hours at the piano can push any thought, any doubt, any confusion into little pockets in the corners of your mind; safely guarded, safely barricaded from the ring and ding of what you're playing with your eyes and your mind and your hands.

It's the best form of distraction...

And I'm glad I have it.

The one thing that is really, truly, only, mine.

So mark my words.
You don't stand a chance. 

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